Podcast Coverpage
Radcliffe Podcast
Value Education: Commitment to Student Safety and Wellbeing

Welcome to our podcast on value education. In today’s episode, we will be exploring the significance of incorporating values into education, featuring Ms. Sheba Mathew as the host and Ms. Pratibha Malhotra, a specialist in holistic education.

This year we have initiated value education in all our schools through Project CACA, which is children against child abuse, as we believe that it shapes students’ morals, character, and academic knowledge.

Let’s start by exploring why value education is the need of the hour in today’s time and how critical it is to create awareness amongst students.

True, providing such training to children from a young age is related to their safety and well-being; hence, as part of value education, we wish to focus on 10 life skills that are profoundly ingrained in all of Project CACA’s instruments and resources. Furthermore, life skills give adolescents the confidence to challenge social norms and enhance their capacity for expressing their emotions and critical thinking.

Can you share how value education has made a difference in other schools or communities?

Let me walk you through some of the impacts of Project CACA’s value education. By teaching values, we create an inclusive learning environment at schools like Radcliffe that supports each student’s personal development and fosters a healthy school culture. Through discussions and role-playing activities, the CACA Safety Workbooks encourage children to think critically about safety issues, understand the consequences of their actions, and develop the confidence to seek help when needed.

Project CACA helps teachers build the capacity to handle sensitive issues and lead constructive discussions. By making non-teaching staff a direct stakeholder in the project, the project strengthens their self-esteem and values.

Our 360-degree approach has had positive effects on the school environment, students, parents, teachers, and non-teaching staff.  Radcliffe has taken an excellent initiative to implement Project CACA’s Value Education. 

We at  Radcliffe have implemented Project CACA under the child safety programme to  focus on values and engage all stakeholders to foster responsibility and trust. We want to make our children familiar with themes like body ownership, emotional intelligence, gender equality, cyber safety, bullying prevention, and peer pressure prevention. This is about the students . How can parents and teachers contribute to value education through Project CACA?

To continue the child’s learning, parents should encourage the safety steps and moral values to be observed at home. Teachers can integrate value-based education into the curriculum and daily interactions.

Project CACA has children-friendly exercises resembling safety drills. It is essential to practice these drills frequently at home and school to promote the children’s happiness, safety, and wellbeing.

Thank you, Ms. Pratibha Malhotra, for highlighting the importance of value education. Prioritising values in education empowers students to become responsible and compassionate individuals. Thank you all for tuning in to our discussion on holistic education.