Redefining the Way Children’s Abilities are Nurtured!

Redefining the Way Children’s Abilities are Nurtured!

Redefining the Way Children’s Abilities are Nurtured!

A Child is like a butterfly
In the wind
Some can fly higher than
But each one flies
The best it can.
Why compare one against
the others?
Each one is different.
Each one is special.
Each one is beautiful.

All children are born with unique talent and abilities. The challenge is to identify the talent and nurture it. Knowing that your child is extraordinarily talented or gifted in any field is a great source of pride for the parents. However, to nurture and groom this talent is a great responsibility. It needs immense focus and discipline in pursuing the interest or the potential. A lot of factors contribute to groom your child’s talent. As it is rightly said, greatness isn’t born, it is grown. Studies suggest that 50% of the child’s mature intelligence is developed by the time the child turns four. The early formative years go a long way in nurturing t he child’s holistic development. Parents tend to provide every possible opportunity to the child during these years. This helps them to identify their child having superior abilities in any field at an early age.

Identifying Child’s talent might be a cause for concern and confusion at times. Looking for the same relevant signs would benefit and encourage the process.

*Observe the child’s natural interest or keenness in any child.

*Consult teachers or mentors who have been guiding your child.

*A child might not be academically inclined but can show great interest in unconventional to look for cues that aids in identifying the potential and encouraging the same.

*Pay attention to your child’s curiosity and what keeps him engaged productively.

The responsibility of the parents does not end in simply identifying the talent, but it brings in additional accountability to develop that potential. It needs dedicated methods of Practicing, Constant motivation, coaching and immense patience. Children’s ways of Practicing, handling success and failure, managing criticism, showing enormous grit and determination, all play a vital role in the likelihood of achieving greatness.

Fostering the talent and the abilities of the child depend a lot on how they practice and keep themselves motivated and handle mistakes and failures. Mistakes are not to be seen as the end of the journey. Rather, they should be treated as learnings and information to hone the skills better and be more well-equipped.

During this journey being a mentor to your child is pivotal. Find a mentor/Coach/talent expert who can guide and help him in pursuing the Interests. But at all times, remember that your job is to pursue your child’s interests and not put any kind of pressure on him. Provide your child with a comfortable and favorable environment to blossom his talent and make a name for himself in the chosen field. Failure is not a verdict but the way forward. Keep encouraging and mentoring your child to strive for excellence in life.

Every child has a different learning style and pace.  Each child is unique, not only capable of leaning but also capable of succeeding.

Written By

Ms. Binita Shelke

PRT – English
