10 Proven Strategies to Help your Child Finish their Homework on Time

10 Proven Strategies to Help your Child Finish their Homework on Time

10 Proven Strategies to Help your Child Finish their Homework on Time

As parents, it can be difficult to ensure that our children complete their homework on time. Finding the right balance between pushing too hard and being too lenient can be difficult. At The Radcliffe Group of Schools, we understand that it can be a challenge to motivate children and help them develop good homework habits. With years of experience, we have identified a few factors that can help children beat procrastination and complete their homework. In this blog, we will provide tips and strategies that you, as parents, can use to help your children tackle and finish their homework on time.

Strategies to Help and Motivate Children to Finish their School Homework on Time

At The Radcliffe Group of Schools, we believe in helping children to develop the responsibility and discipline they need, to succeed. Hence, we’ve come up with some strategies to help and motivate your child to finish their school homework on time.

●  Create a Homework Plan

Creating a homework plan with your child is a great way to ensure that they stay on task. Outline a plan for when homework should be completed and how long it should take. Then, be sure to review the plan together to ensure that your child understands their responsibilities and has the tools they need to complete their assignments.

●  Set a Schedule

Having a set schedule for completing homework can be extremely beneficial for your child. Designate a specific time for homework each day and stick to it. This will help to create a sense of routine and structure, which can help your child stay focused and motivated to complete their assignments.

●  Offer Rewards

Rewards can be a great incentive for children to complete their homework on time. Set up a rewards system that your child can look forward to. This could include a fun activity, a treat, or even a special privilege.

●  Make Homework Fun

Make homework fun by incorporating activities that your child enjoys. For example, if your child loves music, you can use music to help them focus and stay motivated to complete their assignments. Additionally, you can make use of new tools, such as apps or websites, to make homework more engaging.

●  Create a Homework Friendly Environment

Creating a homework-friendly environment is key to helping your child stay motivated. Make sure that their workspace is free from distractions, such as phones and television. Additionally, provide them with the supplies they need to complete their assignments, such as paper, pens, and other materials.

●  Encourage Self-Discipline

Encourage your child to develop self-discipline by helping them to understand the value of completing their homework on time. Explain to them the importance of being responsible and organised. Encourage them to set goals and celebrate their successes, when they reach them.

●  Break Down Assignments into Manageable Tasks

Breaking down large assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks can help your child stay focused and motivated to complete their homework on time. Make sure to provide them with a timeline for completing each task, and provide positive reinforcement when they reach their goals.

●  Let the Child Take Breaks

It’s important to let your child take breaks during their homework time. This will help them to recharge and stay focused. Make sure that the breaks are short and productive, such as taking a quick walk or getting a snack.

●  Communicate and Make a Connection

Creating a connection with your child is key to helping them stay motivated to complete their homework on time. Talk to them about their homework and ask them how they’re doing. This will help to build trust and increase your child’s motivation to finish their assignments.

●  Make Use of Technology

Technology can be a great tool for helping your child complete their homework on time. Utilise tools such as virtual tutoring, online games, and educational websites to help your child stay motivated and engaged.


The Radcliffe Group of Schools strives to help students succeed in their academic endeavours by teaching valuable time management skills and providing support for completing homework. Parents can play an important role in motivating their children to complete their homework on time by utilising strategies such as creating a plan, setting a schedule, offering rewards, making homework fun, creating a homework-friendly environment, encouraging self-discipline, breaking down assignments into manageable tasks, letting the child take breaks, communicating and making a connection, and making use of technology. By staying involved and providing support, parents can ensure that their children are able to reap the benefits of their hard work and get the most out of their education.
